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BeachCraft - Official Rules

Welcome to the official BeachCraft Rules Page. On this page, you will learn about what you are allowed to do on BeachCraft, and what you are not allowed to do. This should help counter confusion and stop people from getting into trouble.

BeachCraft - Official Rules

Welcome to the official BeachCraft Rules Page. On this page, you will learn about what you are allowed to do on BeachCraft, and what you are not allowed to do. This should help counter confusion and stop people from getting into trouble. Our chat & discord rules are on our discord server. find that by going to the link ➡️ https://discord.gg/beachcraft

#1 Cheating

The use of any modification which gives you an unfair advantage over other players. This can be through clients or modifications deemed unapproved by our staff team. If you are unsure about the use of modifications and if will lead to punishment, ask our staff team.

#2 Macros

The use of a hotkey in any way to give an advantage over other players. Using a hotkey to warp out of PVP in any way or a hotkey to automatically sell items or a hotkey both fall under this rule. Using hotkeys to welcome players to the server are allowed.

#3 X-Ray

The use of any X-ray modification/hack which gives you an advantage over other players by finding items such as, but not limited to ores, spawners or caverns will be punished.

#4 Griefing

Intentional destruction of another player's build. This also includes stealing, and killing contained passive mobs in other players territory. Editing blocks around players’ claims in some circumstances may also count towards griefing, such as planting massive jungle trees.

#5 Abusing Glitches

Using a glitch to gain an advantage over other players on the server. More severe bugs such as economy breaking bugs will be faced with harsher punishments if abused. If you find any bug please do report it straight away

#6 Block Glitching

Using blocks to climb areas that you are not meant to have access to and breaking blocks to “phase” through walls into other players claims/safe zones are not allowed and will be punished.

#7 Abusing Safe Zones

Abusing safe zones to attack other players from the safe zone area. This rule also applies if you are killing others while you are in PVP and they are in the safe zone. Using any method to get back into safe zones is also punishable, such as using a trident with the Riptide enchantment.

#8 Duping and Crashing

Abusing exploits to unfairly gain items, such as duping/cheating in items. Using exploits to crash the server/lower the TPS deliberately will also be punished. Builds that significantly lower the FPS of others causing extreme lag, cause a player to lag or lag the server are not allowed, will be cleared and may result in a ban. If it is obvious that the laggy build was not intentional, then a ban will not be given, just a warning.

#9 Teaming with Cheaters

Teaming with or knowingly benefitting from those who cheat or abuse is prohibited. Cheating includes but is not limited to hacking, exploiting, bug abuse and scamming. This rule will also apply if you do not report a known cheater.

#10 Insiding

Stealing other team members’ items, breaking spawners of other players farms in your claim and deliberately destroying the claim member’s claimed blocks that you are trusted in will all go under this rule. This rule includes joining other people's islands/parties to take their items and just leave afterwards.

#11 Tp Trapping

Trapping players in your claim once they have asked to teleport to you is against the rules and will be faced with punishment for doing so. This rule also applies if you willingly teleport a player into the pvp area.

#13 Scamming

Scamming is not allowed on any server within our Network. Scamming can include naming an item incorrectly and selling it in the auction house or via other trade methods. Such as naming a leather helmet “Crystal Helmet” to try and scam people. Another method would be offering to pay a certain amount for an item but when you receive the item the buyer doesn't pay the money and vice versa.

#14 Inappropriate Builds

Inappropriate Builds, such as penises and swastikas, will be immediately cleared and may result in a ban. This applies to all servers.

#15 Inappropriate Names

Extremely inappropriate usernames are punishable with a ban until the username is changed. Once your username is changed, appeal with a ticket.

#16 Punishment evasion

Evading punishments through the use of alternative accounts is not allowed and will be met with harsher punishments if you bypass and continue to do so. IP mutes/bans will be given in extreme cases, with blacklists being given in the most extreme of cases.